How to find the compression underwear for varicose veins

Compression underwear is one of the most effective ways to prevent the appearance of varicose veins and to suspend its development. This may not resolve the underlying causes of the disease, but is very able to cope with its manifestations, reduce the patient's quality of life. Today's compression hosiery is an integral addition to the treatment of varicose veins, significantly improved its performance. Linen has a lot of advantages, so it is becoming increasingly popular among patients with the diagnosis "varicose veins".


Compression: why?

The essence of the operation of the compression underwear is to create in certain areas of the leg to the desired pressure. Promote proper distribution of the load, the result is normal blood flow in the direction of the heart. From the veins located in the lower part of the leg, more effort is needed to push blood to this area and have a maximum pressure of the compression underwear. And, for example, on the thigh, of linen from only about 40% of the pressure, since the load on these veins is already minimal.

Special underwear literally pushes blood by squeezing the veins, does not allow to stagnate in the veins. As a result, when wearing these socks (golf or socks) significantly reduced the unpleasant and painful symptoms of varicose veins: the legs are not so tired and swollen, they felt itching and burning.

Compression socks, that you should use for the following reasons:

  • these socks contribute to the normalization of blood flow, redistributing blood from the diseased vein in healthy;
  • this lingerie stimulates blood circulation and thus improves the nutrition of tissues;
  • if the size of the underwear is chosen correctly, the effective prevention of thrombosis;
  • linen looks very aesthetically pleasing, it can be worn everywhere - to work, walking, gym;
  • Compression stockings – one of the most easy, comfortable and safe asset in the fight against varicose veins, which has almost no contraindications.


Contraindications for wearing compression underwear is very small, but still exist. This includes the following Countries:

  • endarteritis, atherosclerosis, aortoarteritis, and certain other chronic diseases characterized by a reduction of the arteries and significantly reduce blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • eczema, allergic rashes, open wounds, inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • septic phlebitis, cardio-pulmonary failure in severe form;
  • the increased sensitivity of the skin.

Use compression underwear: isn't this dangerous?

There is the impression that the wearing of compression underwear can turn into serious problems, as the degradation of the muscle layers of the venous wall. And then, after the discontinuation of the use of medical hosiery, vascular walls simply can't withstand the pressure, that will only lead to the progression of varicose veins. Refuting these concerns, phlebologists stated the following facts:

underwear for varicose veins
  • the patient is varicose socks round the clock;
  • blood flow in the exposed to the artificially created pressure vessels, which do not expire, but is only reduced;
  • usually atrophy of the muscle layer occurs due to genetic predisposition and the presence of inflammatory processes and the wearing of compression underwear, on the contrary, it prevents.

What is the compression socks?

Compression socks is made from cotton and nylon fibre, lycra and microfiber. This underwear has no seams, is breathable and gives a pleasant feel in contact with the skin. It is hypoallergenic, and looks exactly the same as normal socks or stockings. The healing properties of the knitted fabrics because of its handling of the latest computer technology. The efficiency of the compression underwear under the condition of observance of the rules for maintenance and storage, are stored for about six months. Then it must be replaced.

Types of compression socks

Compression underwear is a curative and preventive. There are also the so-called hospital linen, which operate only in the stationary conditions. As the name implies, medical knitwear is useful if a disease has already manifested itself in each level. But as a preventive measure lingerie for the compression recommended, that people from groups at risk: pregnant women, genetically predisposed to the formation of varicose veins, individuals who suffer from obesity, to representatives "standing" and "sitting" professions.

As for the types of compression underwear, now in the pharmaceutical market, are enough for every taste and for all needs:

  • tights is one of the most popular among women, the look of the underwear, tight-fitting feet and don't slide in the business;
  • socks;
  • Golf is available option for men;
  • an elastic bandage – not too convenient option of compression, which, however, due to its longevity, without losing the importance, despite the huge choice of much more efficient and aesthetically pleasing therapeutic knit.

As a rule, the products for women (tights and socks), are decorated with patterns. But men's underwear is often produced transparent so that it is unnoticeable on your feet.

compression underwear

Classification of medical compression underwear

If preventive knitwear can be purchased in most pharmacies, in any moment, for the purchase of medical requires a doctor's prescription. It is recommended to buy only in specialized pharmacies and salons. The intensity of the pressure produced by the compression of the socks, is divided into the following classes:

  • Class 1 – characterized by compression under 23 mm Hg. article and recommended for use in patients at the first signs of varicose veins: blue-red spider veins on the skin, extending close to the surface of the skin, the veins, the feeling of extreme fatigue and heavy legs.
  • Class 2 – creating a pressure not greater than 33 mm of mercury. article and is suitable for the treatment of varicose veins of medium severity and thrombophlebitis.
  • Class 3 – provided compression shall not exceed 45 mm of mercury. article, this linen is used in the treatment of quite severe venous insufficiency accompanied by trophic disorders.
  • Class 4 – the compression is about 50 mm mercury. art. and above, so knit suitable for the treatment of serious disease in the lymph flow and the removal of these disturbances, edema.

If you want to give recommendations on the choice of a particular class of compression underwear can be only qualified phlebologist, which is based on the position of the patient. He will explain about the wearing of the medical stockings, and will also explain the basic rules for storage and care.

How to choose a compression garment?

It is obvious that first and foremost, you should consult with your doctor about has shown that the use of therapeutic-grade Jersey. Then should decide on its appearance, tights, stockings, socks, short socks. Here is all is determined by individual preferences. Finally, it is important to choose the right size – otherwise the effect of wearing the special Jersey will be minimal (or not).

Now, as the prices. In General, the price changes, which is visible to the naked eye on the pharmaceutical market, due to the abundance in it from different manufacturers. A well-known brand or a smaller supplier? In any case, on the pharmacy shelves gets only the products with precise calculation for compression. What products can vary, therefore, the planning and duration of the socks.

To protect yourself from buying counterfeits, you need to shop at the trusted pharmacies and reputable shops-traders. Everyone knows that European quality standards are very high. This applies for the pressure undergarments. If the package with the label "ral-gz 387", it is possible to not doubt, – before the goods of the highest quality, because the manufacturer has to go through the process of certification in Switzerland or Germany.

therapeutic knitwear

Medical wear knitwear

Dressing treatment of knitted fabrics – this is not as easy as it may seem. It is particularly difficult to cope with the underwear classes 3 and 4. The fact that these socks can be worn exactly the same as conventional products – to collect in "accordion" and to pull up. The specific problems the procedure can cause a person, who has a large belly.

Thus, the dressing process as follows:

  • at the top of the socks or stockings are going to "accordion";
  • inside the device is not inserted in the palm of your hand, it gently stretches the foot;
  • gradually expanding the product, it is necessary to pull on the tibia;
  • if we are talking about the tights, the hips are stretched already in the prone position (thus, when approaching the area of the waist to lift the hips).

When the dressing treatment Jersey the following conditions:

  • wear compression underwear is best in the morning, when your feet are tired and swollen;
  • nails must be closely trimmed and carefully processed;
  • deprecated the presence of calluses and roughness on the skin of the feet – all of this can easily damage the delicate fabric.

Because the compression dressing underwear is not an easy task, to make life easier for patients, created a special device that allows you to a simple process. To deal with the twists 3-4 class without them is almost impossible.

A number of recommendations to wear underwear

Night compression garment, it is better to leg to get some rest and "breathe." However, if the person who accidentally fell asleep in pantyhose or golfs, no harm, if he will not do it.

Wearing compression underwear no end and in the summer. High temperatures cause the development of varicose veins, so in the heat of the amended Vienna is particularly in need of support. You can change the class of linen with the more "easy" – select 1 class or prophylactic socks.

It happens that the "varicose" vein above the gum product, which is a legitimate question: does it make sense to use in this case, expensive clothes. Which means, of course, because the vein must be provided, indirectly, a positive effect due to the normalization of blood flow in the lower vessels. However, it is worth it to try to choose socks or stockings are the correct size.

care knitwear

Care medical socks

Compression socks – a thing that requires a cautious attitude. So, those who are shown wearing it, you should be familiar with the basic rules of care for these socks, golfs and tights:

  • wash treatment Jersey need every day, because the smallest particles of dirt and dust particles that are harmful to the delicate fibres, are very capable of depriving the product of its healing properties;
  • to wash such items may only manually, when the water temperature is around 40 degrees;
  • in any case, you can not wring out or twist the compression garment is allowed only slightly "wet" it with a towel;
  • dry compression garment must be defined on the horizontal surface, away from the battery and direct sunlight; do not hang it vertically on a conventional dryer;
  • regular rinses and conditioners can seriously damage the structure of medical knitwear and taken away from him with the same therapeutic properties, so when washing it is acceptable to use baby soap or special tools for the sensitive fabric;
  • it is best to have some compression socks, and a few – then you don't need to spend every day a lot of time for the washing and drying of sensitive objects;
  • care should be taken, and silicone-striped socks – from any contact with water, loses its pinning properties, it is best to clean it with the alcohol pad, and when the wash carefully protected from getting wet.

It should be noted that if prevention underwear can be purchased on your own, then find a doctor you can. Initiatives in this regard is a threat not only physical inconvenience and a waste of money, but also serious health problems. But if you are using compression properly, will surely make life easier for the patient and will be an effective addition in the treatment of varicose veins.